Satya R. T. Peddada

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • PhD SEE (2021)
Department Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering

Satya Ravi Teja Peddada received his Bachelors degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering in 2015 from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India. He obtained his Masters at UIUC in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering in 2018, and his Ph.D. in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering in 2021. His research interests include multi-disciplinary dynamic systems design optimization, integrated plant and control system design (co-design),direct transcription and power optimization of mobile electronics. Previously in the ESDL he worked on optimal temperature sensor placement (OTSP) for power electronic systems. His current research interests are in optimal flow control and architecture exploration for fluid based thermal management and optimal packing and routing algorithms for 2D and 3D electro-thermal systems. In addition to researching with ESDL, he is currently affiliated with the Power Optimization of Electro-Thermal Systems NSF Engineering Research Center here at the UIUC.

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